Bethlehem Lutheran Church

Worship Services held Sunday mornings –9:00 a.m.
Address: 338 N 7th Street ~ WaKeeney, KS 67672
Office: (785) 743-2005
Christian Education—Mid-Week School is held Wednesday evenings, 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. during the school year. Midweek begins with a meal at 6:00 p.m.
Adult Bible Study Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the Bethlehem Church Library. See the Calendar highlights on “Home” tab above or Bible Study under the “Mission” tab for specific dates.
Opportunities and Activities at Bethlehem
First Communion Classes–held during the school year at our Midweek youth and children education
Confirmation Classes– 7th & 8th grades—special emphasis on the Bible, Lutheran doctrine and the Catechism—held during Midweek hour
All School Children’s Choir-pre K—8th grades; practice at Midweek School at 6:30 p.m.; sings during Worship on several Sundays throughout the school year
Membership classes—Held as needed
Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA)
Afternoon Circle—meets 2:00 p.m., 1st Monday of the month in the Bethlehem Library
Dorcas Group– women of all ages welcome; sewing projects for nursing homes and warm quilts for those in need; If you would like to get involved please call the church office at 785-743-2005 and leave a message. A member of the Dorcas group will get back to you with the details.
Bethlehem Lutheran Church had its beginnings in April 1905 by settlers arriving in Trego County with a strong Lutheran tradition. The first building went up in August of 1905 and dedicated in 1906 with many hours of volunteer labor and an estimated cost of $500. In the beginning there were many years of hardship and struggle to keep the church going. Over the years with dedicated members, Bethlehem began to grow and thrive. They became the largest Lutheran church in Trego County and one of the largest in western Kansas, all the while being plagued with fires, one of which destroyed the original church building in 1945.
Bethlehem celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2005 and continues to be a thriving congregation, even with a shrinking rural population. They work hard together with the other congregations of Prairie Faith to spread the good news of Jesus Christ in our churches, communities, and around the world.
Please consider joining Bethlehem’s family of faith and making our Church home your Church home! We would be glad to have you worship with us. Feel welcome to participate in any or all of our groups and activities. To receive additional information on any of the above, please contact our church office at (785) 743-2005.