Donate Today
It is important to remember that we are all together in our love of God and our love of the mission at PFSM. We will continue to pay our bills, meet our monthly obligations, and care for our Staff and employees just as they care for you and our church facilities. To that end, we ask everyone to remember to give your offering as you normally would each month. If you want, you may drop it off at the PFSM office or mail it to the address listed on this page.
(please indicate the specific church or organization)
If sending a check, please make the check payable to the specific church or organization you wish to receive the donation and mail it to the church’s address listed below:

Bethlehem Lutheran Church
338 N. 7th Street
WaKeeney, KS 67672

St. John Lutheran Church
P.O. Box 171
Ellis, KS 67637
7 miles North of Ellis (I-70 Exit 145)
St. John-St. Andrew Rd.

Emanuel Lutheran Church
c/o Kathleen Fabrizius, Treasurer
32086 S Rd.
Ogallah, KS 67656
7 miles South of Ogallah (I-70 Exit 135)

Prairie Faith Parish Nurse Ministry
c/o Nancy Bollig, R.N.
338 N. 7th Street
WaKeeney, KS 67672

Prairie Faith Shared Ministry
338 N. 7th Street
WaKeeney, KS 67672