Prairie Faith
Shared Ministry
“Be gathered into one in You”
Welcome to Prairie Faith Shared Ministry. Located in north central Kansas, three ELCA Lutheran congregations have stepped out in faith to enter into a truly shared ministry. We strive to provide the best tools for our members to grow as disciples of Christ and to proclaim the Good News of Christ within our communities and throughout the world. We hope you will join us at one of our churches for service on Sunday to experience for yourself the fellowship of Christ.
Join Us
We have three congregations and worship with a variety of styles and liturgies. We encourage you to find out more about our congregations. Hope to see you in worship soon.
Our Pastor and interim Pastors/PMA’s rotate into different congregations during the month. Lay leaders also serve each congregation at various times. This is done to establish a working relationship between the Pastors and all the congregations of PFSM, as well as between the members of our congregations. Joint congregational worship services are held at various times during the year to provide fellowship between all of our members.
St. John Lutheran Church
2024/2025 Sunday School will be held on designated Sundays. Please See the Sunday School schedule at the tab above… Mission/Ministries/Midweek/Sunday School.
Please join us as we celebrate another great year of Fellowship, Worship and Learning! Looking forward to seeing you there! If you would like more information about Sunday School, please call the church office at 785-743-2005 to be put in touch with a St. John Sunday School representative.
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
2024/2025 Midweek will be held on Wednesdays during the school year. Meal begins at 6:00.
There is a Meal each Wednesday evening of Midweek beginning at 6:00 p.m. followed by music and class. Class will dismiss at 7:30 p.m. During Lent, class will dismiss at 7:15 p.m.for Lenten Services. Hope to see you there! Midweek will be held on early dismissal days from school at the regular time.
You do not have to be Lutheran to attend Midweek. You are invited to come, join your friends in fellowship and learn more about Jesus and God’s Word. If you would like more information regarding Midweek please reach out to any of the following: Bridget Cook, Lisa Garrett or Ruth Shiltz or call the Church Office at 785-743-2005, and we will put you in touch with a Bethlehem Midweek representative
Thank You to all who volunteered to help with our Midweek Program. We could not do it without you. You are very much appreciated!
January 1 is here! It’s the time for many of us to think about new year’s resolutions—some feel excitement about “starting over” and some may think, “why bother?”. Most new year’s resolutions are broken and then forgotten within a short amount of time—and why? Maybe we chose too many things to realistically change, maybe the goals were too vague—unmeasurable, maybe we didn’t have any support for maintaining new behaviors—there are several reasons people have a hard time sticking to their new year’s resolutions.
Serving as a parish nurse within a health ministry, the focus is on whole person health, which encompasses physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, intellectual, social, and vocational wellbeing. Activities and newsletter articles throughout the year address these parts of our lives with specific information and support.
Here are a few ideas to help you start a healthier 2025!
Stop “dieting”. Eat whole foods (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats, lean meat and fish), cook more meals at home, go grocery shopping regularly to keep the pantry stocked up, and rely less on convenience foods.
Sit less and move more; find a physical activity that you enjoy. Get outside more. Visit the gym.
Cut back on sweetened beverages and sugary foods.
Cut back on alcohol.
Get more quality sleep.
Try prayer or meditation.
Join a Bible study group. Regularly attend worship.
Take a vacation—even a short one.
Stop negative self-talk.
Limit screen time—tv, phone, computer, video games, social media.
Take more ‘me time’ and practice self-care. Try a new hobby or pick one back up that you used to enjoy. Try a new volunteer activity.
Be more mindful and present in the moment—examples are to spend less time on your phone, stop to notice your environment, and listen intently to others.
Visit your doctor—update your health screenings and blood work. Keep your immunizations current.
Take care of your teeth—brush, floss, see the dentist for an exam and a cleaning at least annually.
Pick one or two of these ideas that will help you be healthier. Set a measurable goal, complete with the steps to achieve that goal. Write the goal down—and keep track of your progress. If you fall short on one day, just start again the next day on course.
Any time throughout the year, contact Nancy to plan goals, to find support to achieve and maintain better health and wellbeing, or to discuss other health-related questions or needs! 😊
See the Parish Nurse New Link below for more health and wellness information!
Prairie Faith
Parish Nurse News
A prayer shawl is a tangible gift representing the many and continuing prayers for comfort, caring, healing and love offered for an individual experiencing a difficult time for various reasons—serious illness, grief, loss, emotional trials, or spiritual upheaval in their lives. If you know of someone in the community who might be comforted by receiving a prayer shawl or blanket, please contact Nancy. There are several options for delivery of a prayer shawl to your friend, neighbor, or family member—you may request one to be prepared and then gift it yourself, request the pastor to deliver it, or request Nancy to deliver one. Email: parishnurse@ruraltel.net
This Month at Prairie Faith
January 2025
Sunday Worship at 9:00 a.m. (Communion every Sunday)
Bethlehem Annual Meeting ~ Sunday, January 26, 2025, following Worship.
Bethlehem Women’s Bible Study ~ Monday, January 6, at 2:00 p.m. in the Bethlehem Library.
Bethlehem Meals on Wheels Delivery ~ Monday, January 13 through Friday, January 17.
PFSM Fall Bible Study is held on Tuesdays in the BLC Library at 6:30 p.m. This is a nondenominational Bible Study. Hope to see you there! Bible Study will resume on Tuesday, January 7, 2025.
Midweek Youth Christian Education is held on Wednesdays during the school year. Meal begins at 6:00 p.m., followed by music and class. Midweek dismisses at 7:30 p.m. Midweek will resume on Wednesday, January 8, 2025.
BLC Council Meeting ~ Wednesday, January 8 at 7:30 p.m. in the BLC Library.
WaKeeney LTC Communion ~ Thursday, January 16 at 1:00 p.m.
PFSM February Newsletter Deadline ~ Friday, January 23.
WaKeeney Senior Apartment Communion ~ Thursday, January 30 at 1:00 p.m.
WaKeeney LTC Worship ~ Monday, January 26 at 11:00 a.m.
St. John
Sunday Worship at 11:00 a.m. (Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays)
St.. John Annual Meeting ~ Sunday, January 19, 2025, following Worship.
PFSM Fall Bible Study is held on Tuesdays in the BLC Library at 6:30 p.m. This is a nondenominational Bible Study. Hope to see you there!! Bible Study will resume on Tuesday, January 7, 2025.
St. John Council Meeting ~ Monday, January 13 at 7:00 p.m.
PFSM February Newsletter Deadline ~ Friday, January 23.
Sunday Worship at 9:00 a.m. (1st and 3rd Sundays of the Month with Communion)
Emanuel Annual Meeting ~ Sunday, February 2, 2025, at 8:30 a.m., prior to Worship.
PFSM Fall Bible Study is held on Tuesdays in the BLC Library at 6:30 p.m. This is a nondenominational Bible Study. Hope to see you there!! Bible Study will resume on Tuesday, January 7, 2025.
PFSM February Newsletter Deadling ~ Friday, January 23.
Prairie Faith
Next PFSM Council Meeting ~ Tuesday, February 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the Bethlehem Library.
PFSM Fall Bible Study is held on Tuesdays in the BLC Library at 6:30 p.m. This is a nondenominational Bible Study. Hope to see you there!! Bible Study will resume on Tuesday, January 7, 2025.
Yoga at the WaKeeney Library ~ Mondays at 4:00 p.m.
PFSM February Newsletter Deadline ~ Friday, January 23.