Prairie Faith Shared Ministry

“Be gathered into one in You”

Notes from Pastor Jon Anderson

Isaiah 49:14-15-“But Zion said, “The LORD has forsaken me, my LORD has forgotten me.” Can a woman forget her nursing child, or show no compassion for the child of her womb?  Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.”

 As the old song goes, “June is busting out all over”. School is out, and the summer is soon approaching. Vacations, harvest, summer teams,  summer camps, summer jobs, and many other activities call us during this time. It seems that no matter what time of year it is, we are always busy. Often there is so much on our plates that it’s inevitable that something will be forgotten. The prophet Isaiah reminds us that as busy at God is, being Lord of the entire universe, that He will never forget us-that He cares for each and every one of us as a loving mother cares for her child. He is always ready to listen to us-anything that is a concern to us is a concern to Him, no matter how trivial it might seem. No matter the time of year, it is easy for us to put God on the back burner, because other things seem more urgent. While it is true that God is always with us, in our homes, out in nature, wherever we happen to be, yet it is in church that we hear God’s words of forgiveness and mercy and can touch and taste His grace and mercy in the Sacrament. If you are planning a trip or trips this summer, I encourage you to take time to worship. If you worship in a Lutheran church, you may find it to be a different experience from what you’re used to-there is great variety among us in how we choose to worship. And if you worship with folks from another denomination, that might be both interesting and eye opening. Enjoy the summer and all it offers-seven of the twenty-five references to summer in the Bible mention summer fruit, and that’s something I look forward to each year. But remember  to take time to worship, either in your congregation or in a congregation wherever you are, and remember that God will never forget you, because God loves you so much. 

 Pastor Jon